Training Frequency and Following A Program

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How many days per week should you see your trainer?

This is one of the most common questions I receive, and like anything, it depends! First you need to determine why you chose to work with a personal trainer. We have taken 4 of the most common reasons people hire a trainer, which we have deemed R.E.A.L. Training.

  • Results: Everyone is training for results in some shape or form. To achieve optimal results, training 3-4x/week following a progressive program is necessary. How many of these workouts are with a trainer depend on your budget and additional factors.
  • Education: One of the best things about working with a knowledgeable trainer is what you can learn about your body in the process. The best trainers are always learning and are also the best teachers. Working with a trainer once a week has been hugely beneficial to many of my clients in gaining knowledge, confidence and independence in the gym.
  • Accountability: This is probably the most common reason people seek out a trainer. Having someone to steer you in the right direction and keep you honest throughout your journey goes a long way. If you struggle with accountability, I recommend meeting with your trainer a minimum of 2x per week.
  • Longevity: This is the ultimate benefit of working with a trainer and is a culmination of the first 3 on this list. Staying active, and having a professional to help you maximize your activity will keep you moving well into old age. One of the best ways a trainer can aid in this department is to keep workouts enjoyable and prevent burnout. Checking in with a trainer regularly and adjusting your program will keep you engaged with your workouts.

All in all, it is best to work with a trainer a minimum of once per week and follow a program they have designed for you on the remaining days. This allows you to build independence in the gym, but also ask questions each week (and it’s budget friendly!). I can’t stress enough the importance of sticking with a program, even if you prefer to workout on your own or can’t afford in person sessions. Hiring an established online coach to program for you will pay dividends going forward.