Never Change

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The world around us is an ever changing place, completely out of our control. That leaves 2 options: be forced to change, or don’t.
Personally, I’ve never liked being forced to do anything. I see every day people encouraging change, saying it’s absolutely necessary. Which to an extent is probably true. Certain changes can have massive impacts on your life, both positive and negative. But the outcome of the change around you is determined by how you respond to it.

Change causes me to believe even deeper that remaining constant within myself is the most important thing. Sure, go new places, try new things, and meet new people. But don’t become those places, things and people. Establish a set of core beliefs that never change. Stand up for those beliefs when someone infringes on them. I remember seeing a quote one time that said “don’t take anything personal” – that is some of the worst advice I have ever heard. If you don’t take anything personal, what do you believe in? You have no moral compass, nothing to guide you when times get tough. When a hurricane crashes into the coast, the lighthouse doesn’t change. Be the lighthouse. Take it personal. Never change.